Sunday, 11 November 2007

State law to break chain of dog abuse The Colony CourierLeader

Restrained using a pinch or choke collar or an improperly fitting nylon collar. It just breeds frustration she said. I think it will decrease the number of bites that we get especially before and after school. He was bitten by a dog that was usually on a chain and had broken free. She said they realize coming into compliance with the law may take more than or hours. They can also help pet owners find what they need at a reasonable cost. We would love it if you would approach us before we have to approach you she said. Call us if you need us to help you with anything Barrington said. We re helping to get the word out and it won t be a problem. She said that for the most part pet owners in The Colony know how to treat their animals. Barrington said there have been no validated reports of dog fighting in The Colony. think about it folks. Dogs have been domestic companions to man for ages. Their idea of responsible pet ownership would be better used on a pe! t rock or chunk of driftwood. pork chop wrote on Aug PM Watch your shleter numbers rise. more dogs being killed. more dogs being turned loose. dogs will die because of this law. but then texas kills more PEOPLE thyan any other state.


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I've just been letting everything happen without me lately. Today was a total loss. So it goes. Eh. I guess it doesn't bother me.

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