Let’s have a look at a controlled calorie low carb diet. Watching calories, and reducing the number of carbs in your eating plan, is one way to watch your weight. For a vegetarian this can be a challenging way to eat. Most of the research that I have read would suggest that this is not a good long-term solution to a healthy eating plan, not even for weight loss purposes. I have observed the same with people that I have worked with. They do not last very long on it or they find that they succumb to carbohydrate cravings.
What we really want to identify here are those that are not serving us and we have to identify those which ones are giving our bodies heaps of nutrition. Bananas have lots and are very good for us, Doritos are not. A low carbohydrate way of eating leaves the body without enough fuel to feel energized and healthy.
Variety is very important in the diet. It is important to reduce the number of simple carbohydrates and increase the complex carbohydrates in our low calorie diet. If our objective is to lose weight, cut out all starches, breads, rice, potatoes, corn, etc and include large quantities of fresh vegetables and fruits.
Try and get your protein from organic, grange fed chicken, eggs, eating fish high in nutrients, like tilapia and North Atlantic salmon. Even better use legumes, lintels and small quantities of nuts and seeds or butters made from them. Sprouted grain breads and roles are good choices. They have great nutritional value, gives you something to bite into that will satisfy those cravings but will provide long lasting satisfaction.
A good controlled calorie low carb diet means eating less junk and making sure that every calorie that we eat has ample nutrition in it. Avoid the so called “empty” calories at all cost!
Good News! Losing weight can be achieved easier than you think. Go to Hendrika’s site Strip All That Fat for more weight loss tips and advice. You can also have a look at her Blog with the same name: Strip All That Fat.
Permanent link to this post: http://blog.livehealthcom.net/2009/01/controlled-calorie-low-carb-diet/
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